WAN Service Provider
Global ITN is an intelligent WAN service provider, Broadband Provider, Internet Service Provider offering services from architecture to maintenance and support. This enables you to manage internet transit and data transfer whilst delivering reliable connectivity to users and to your business.
Wide area network (WAN) is responsible for interconnecting multiple locations that are already connected with local area networks (LAN). At a basic level, WAN is a network of LANs. Furthermore, WAN’s unlimited scope is extendable to any location globally. As many companies are national, international and global, they have business operations and subsequent networking demands at multiple locations. For this, you need WAN to simultaneously support your overall chain of network driven operations. A high-performing WAN service will also give your business access to centralised data centres or cloud services. Therefore WAN will help you to supervise the essential aspects of your business functions. In fact, a clear demonstration of WAN’s performance is the understanding and management of traffic flow to essential IT services across multiple geographical locations. Global ITN can architect, implement and manage WAN services. WAN services optimise data access and internet utilisation to suit your business’ requirements.
Those in the IT industry and those with limited exposure and understanding of WAN technology need support from the experts. Hence, by engaging with the experts, your network will be strategically planned and implemented to provide uninterrupted support for your core business functions. In fact, Global ITN can provide intelligent WAN services which manage internet transit and data transfer with ease. As specialist WAN service providers, we have been facilitating highly strategic solutions to companies with varying priorities and demands for many years.
What Global ITN offers:
- Prioritizing traffic and allocating bandwidth to shape traffic.
- Reducing data sent across WAN by removing redundant data.
- Limit bandwidth usage by compacting data size through data compression.
- Faster access to data caching, hosting regularly using data locally.
- Streamlining data protocols which bundles multiple requests from chatty applications into one.
- Also, manage bandwidth or quality of internet service by putting limits on how much bandwidth certain kinds of resource-hogging applications can monopolize.