Network Cyber Security and Data Security Services

Extensive Network Security / Network IT Security , Cyber Security, Information Security is crucial as digital attacks are prominent and dangerous for any business. Global ITN is an industry expert in identifying potential vulnerabilities in your IT Systems infrastructure through detailed examination and cyber security analysis of your current networking system. Therefore, as required, we will provide consultation, training and implementation of reliable network cyber security measures to protect your IT systems infrastructure.
Furthermore, the necessity to minimize risk and protect the information on your network has never been more crucial. In any case, threats are imminent both internally and externally and a security breach could be fatal. Having a resilient and reliable Information security process in place ensures access to relevant information while defending databases from threats.

What Global ITN offers in Information Security and Cyber Security:
- Entire network security solutions for your business: covering multiple locations, varying devices, internal permissions, network security, cyber security, information security inbound and outbound traffic monitoring.
- Specialized analysis to expose information security threats in your network and propose solutions to protect your business IT systems and data
- IT Security service solutions to scan systems for compliance issues with firewalls, IPS devices and other equipment exposing communication vulnerabilities within your network.
- IT consulting service on the creation of the information security strategy and standards for your business.
- Auditing service for all IT templates to ensure consistency, compliance and security.
- Also, interactive workshop service to raise threat-awareness within your in-house IT team.