

cyber and physical security

Make no mistake, requests for data centres are on the rise among all business sectors worldwide. In fact, it is currently growing at a rate where a security breach can frequently go unnoticed. The culprits might not just be the hackers.  It is us, the users, that cause most of the time breaches and data centre downtime. IT reports have stated that human error is the cause for more than 68% of data centre outage. Hence, the need for a prominent solution couldn’t be more vital in managing unnecessary cost, unwanted downtime and operational deficiency.

There is imminent danger when somebody can penetrate a colocation data centre and peered, by accident or otherwise, through other company’s ‘zone’ and conveniently discovering their confidential documents. Thus, adding a compatible solution.

Though most data centre operators are up in arms with regards to its physical security, analysts within the industry have previously expressed their concerns whether cyber security is subject to the same attention as well. Of course, data centres are hugely lucrative among hackers. Therefore, safety needs to be the priority issue.

Mr Talal Rajab, head of cyber and national security at Trade Body Tech UK, reports that cyber security should be given the same priority as physical security, similarly to people entering a restricted building with special access.

“A data centre has round-the-clock surveillance with permanent security personnel, and a truly secure data centre must have a similar strategy in place to protect against cyber threats. This can take the form of practices such as privileged network access for special users and constant network monitoring”.

A well-managed data cenre also requires readily-available maintenance. Operators must be prepared for disruptions caused by volumetric attacks like domain name system (DNS) or distributed-denial-of-service incidents (DDoS), phishing, or exploitation of customer data or application-related attacks – not just providing abundance of power or cooling facilities. Hackers nowadays are more resourceful in getting information before advancing their assault: from clients talking to one another about analytic patterns to sharing market data.

Hence, data centre operators should not be complacent in sustaining the integrity of both physical and cyber security defences. Successful management of a physical infrastructure ensures all aspects are at hand thus gaining trust from your clients.


Global ITN: The right data centre for you

Data centre deployment requires a team of experts to ensure a smooth and complete set-up. This is successfully done with minimal interruption to business functioning. Global ITN provides data centre deployment and office relocation services for existing and new business requirements. Global ITN will set up your IT system for your new office and data centre space. This is done through rigorous and skilled planning, deployment and migration.

What Global ITN offers:

  • System redundancy for power supply, air conditioning and your network.
  • Dedicated independent and shared facilities.
  • Disaster recovery and operational support
  • 24 ⁄ 7 operations and maintenance system support.