

IT System Integration

At the back of your mind, you have a dream to start up your very own business. Starting a new business in this economy may be tough but it’s not impossible. So here are some pointers that can help you to achieve that goal:



Finding the right time can determine your company’s overall success or downfall. Look for obvious patterns surrounding the business market: the ups and downs of your preferred industry, how well are your competitors currently doing, the availability of your business capital and your own commitment to launch your company. Have a solid idea of what you want and start kicking off your business as soon as possible. Of course, take your time to develop your plan. Just be aware that the reason why most start-ups fail is because of uncertainty and eventually never even getting off the ground.



The options for getting financial support to start your business are endless. Find your preferred means to get funding and pursue it – from investments, small business loans or diving into the deepest end of your pocket. Seriously, you need the money.



It is very, as in critically, important that every area of your business is accounted for within your budget and recorded in detail even before you think of spending a single cent. Budgeting is everything when starting a business and a common mistake made by new start-up companies is that they splurge blindly on things without thinking it through. So hire someone professional who is capable of assisting you in managing your finances if you can’t reliably do it yourself.



You will need to practice the art of discipline and self-control in all areas when it comes to a new business. Organize a practical timeline for yourself and decide what needs to be done by, let’s say, the end of the month. Discipline yourself to stick to that timeframe and don’t get distracted with unnecessary obstacles that come along. You might need more time to develop your business compared to those well-established companies but remember that pleasure comes after the pain.


Sharpen your Social Skills:

The ability to form business relationships and cultivate trust is important for business longevity. Have a sense of determination to seek out possible prospects to increase and strengthen your business network. If you connect with the right people who can contribute to your company’s success, then it’s your lucky day!


Be Open To Positive Changes:

Sure, you are investing faith, time, money and a part of your life to make this work. It is important that you are very passionate about building your perfect business, but it must not get personal. Be very open to absorbing professional advice and make changes, or even, scrap it entirely and redo it again. Any experienced CEO will tell you that all minute adjustments and alterations are inevitable to produce a successful enterprise. Have a constant lookout for the trends that might suit your business and be unafraid to change them when necessary.


IT support and Global ITN:

As you are writing down pointers on your to-do list, always remember to include IT as an essential part of your start-up. You will need experienced IT personnel. This will improve your IT systems and gain professional advice as your business grows from strength to strength. Global ITN implements a client-centered model to ensure that all IT services provided is cost-effective and tailor-made for your needs.


What Global ITN offers:

  • 24 / 7 helpdesk support for any IT assistance needed
  • IT support at your worksite
  • A strong internet access
  • Email hosting with 10 email accounts created for your business
  • A fax line with 5 VoIP phone lines included
  • Office 365 installation