

Reliable IT Security

Network security solution: The IT medication for viruses

You might have heard this before but computer network security is extremely important for all users – both personally and professionally. All data generated within the system needs to be protected by a reliable security solution.  For example, data relating to information, inventory and communications. This can be by some form of IT fortification as a defence against any outside intruders. It is rather a straightforward rule to take note of. Nonetheless, a crucial one for the longevity of your computer and your IT systems. Once you have understood how network security solutions work and why they matter, it becomes easier to develop or find the right one for you.

The computer network is like invisible wires of an online connection between yourself and others. Business wise, the network allows you to share company information with your colleagues without transferring them via email or a USB drive.

At times, especially in the recent years, outsiders may attempt to penetrate your network when it is not secured. Similar to a burglar entering an unlocked home. Once inside, they will have a “shopping spree” experience in extracting important documents from your network and leaving threats behind for you to discover: hacker attacks, adware, data intervention, Trojan horses and viruses. The stock exchange, banks and government organizations worldwide have been victims of such theft. In fact, predictions indicate that such events are likely to increase. Seriously, you wouldn’t want to experience that in your lifetime.


Therefore, below are some solutions to consider:

Building Layers of Security:

Firstly, different cyber threats will create a unique type of attack affecting your network system. You need a security solution that is capable of multi-layer protection against these threats. Identify the variation in software defences and combine these features together to ensure that your system is completely fortified.

Straightforward Solutions:

Security wise, there are many options to choose from for your personal preference. The simplest ones will include an anti-virus and anti-spyware programs, which most personal computers have installed in their devices. A firewall is also a must to block out unauthorized users from accessing your network without you realizing it. These are the first of many steps you can do to prevent hackers from entering your data.

Password selection:

At their most basic level, password creation is one of the simplest yet effective forms of protection against any security threats. Passwords should be impossible to guess. Users should ideally include a series of numbers, upper and lower-case letters and symbols in their passwords. The longer and more complicated your password, the safer your network will be. Make a habit of changing them on a regular basis for added security.

Have your network secured with Global ITN

Though it looks simple in writing, unfamiliar users may find it complicated to approach a suitable network security solution. However, the extra time or effort needed to understand setting up your security is well worth the reduced risk of a breach in security. Global ITN provides strong and secure IT defence mechanisms to protect your business against malicious attacks such as malware, virus and data loss. With suitable security solutions from us, rest assured that your data is protected against malicious attacks.

What Global ITN offers:

  • Penetration testing consultancy.
  • Firewall rule set changes and validation.
  • Configuration changes.
  • Firewall upgrades.
  • Patch management.
  • General maintenance.
  • Penetration testing consultancy.
  • Firewall rule set changes and validation.
  • Configuration changes.
  • Firewall upgrades.
  • Patch management.


network security solution