

cloud computing services

All around the world wherever you go, from west to east and north to south, the IT market is echoing ‘Cloud Computing’. From the IT geek to the common man, everyone must have some idea about it because of its huge benefits in this IT era.

Cloud computing is the distribution of computing services over the internet. In the first place, the services include storage, networking, databases, analytics, servers, and software.


Directly or indirectly, cloud computing has multiple uses. For example, if you are using an online service to send documents, emails, and movies to your friends or you are watching videos or playing games on the internet, ninety percent of this is being done by cloud computing. Imagine what can you do with the usage of cloud computing:

  • Create new applications and services
  • Host blogs and websites
  • Stream videos or music
  • Analyze data and make predictions
  • Store data and backup

Even though cloud computing has been around for less than a decade, many organizations have latched on because of its huge benefits.

Advantages of Cloud Computing:

Cloud computing was, and continues to be, ground breaking for IT resources and has altered the way traditional business is carried out. Above all, these services provide many advantages to the users in terms of cost, speed, productivity, global scale, performance, and reliability.

  • Cost:

The expense of cloud computing is far more favorable compared to purchasing software and hardware and it can be set up and run in on-site data centers.

  • Speed:

Cloud computing alleviates the pressure of capacity planning by tapping the mouse or a touch pad, allowing businesses ease and flexibility. Most of the service providers offer on-demand and self-services, hence providing huge amounts of data in minutes.

  • Productivity:

Through cloud computing services, productivity can be significantly increased by eliminating time-wasting of IT management and racking and stacking hardware setup.

  • Global Scale:

These services have the ability to scale exponentially. They could also deliver the right amount of information technology related resources like bandwidth and storage.

  • Performance:

Cloud computing is proficient and is an advance on computing hardware in a data centre.

  • Dependability and finding the right one for your business:

Data backup can also be done with much ease and reliability through cloud computing, not forgetting at a relatively smaller cost.


Cloud Computing and Global ITN

With all the positive elements that one can benefit from with cloud computing, you will need to find a suitable company to assist you for maximum business efficiency. In fact, Global ITN’s team specialize in various IT services including cloud computing.

Global ITN can implement cloud computing services for your business. Cloud computing is a type of off-site data storage complete with online business applications that makes retrieving data easier while providing cost savings and greater flexibility when adapting to technological changes.

Cloud computing is the future of Information Technology. In any case, it provides a seamless and complete IT solution for all your business needs. Additionally, cloud computing removes the hassle of purchasing and installing hardware and managing data centre space. This can minimise your financial cost, space usage and offer unrivaled IT performance. Moreover, the need to manually update and backup your data becomes obsolete due to this service. Above all, we have teams of experts in cloud computing ready to transform your IT system.

What Global ITN offers:

  • Scalability and performance of cloud servers.
  • Strong governance and security through virtual separation.
  • 24/7 expert managed dedicated service.
  • Cloud computing for disaster recovery and backup plan.
  • Efficient system without a need to update.
  • Flexible cloud to support rapid business changes.
  • Authority to control the location of your data.


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