AWS Cloud Services offers compute ( AWS EC2 ), storage (AWS S3, AWS Glacier, AWS Storage Gateway, AWS backup), database ( RDS ), analytics, application, Cloud Migration, AWS Cloud Support and Cloud deployment services.
Infastructure Consulting
Hosting & Management
Infastructure Consulting
We start by understanding your bustness objectrves. needs and Challenge, your core appllcetlon Steck and the infrastructure that It runs on- Our recommendevons focus on cost-effectveness. scalablllty ane secunty to ensure that your Infrastructure can support your future business needs.
We begin with a holistic understanding of your business, your core business application stack and the infrastructure that it runs on.
We follow a clear and methodical process for migration projects.
Hosting & Management
We use our extenslve knowledge to provide an extra layer of support to your Infrastructure team. We can help with hostlng. proactlve planning. cost dynamtc forecastlng. advte for new technology stacks and ultimately how to maxlmtse value from AWS.
We begin with a holistic understanding of your business, your core business application stack and the infrastructure that it runs on.
AWS Cloud Services offers compute ( AWS EC2 ), storage (AWS S3, AWS Glacier, AWS Storage Gateway, AWS backup), database ( RDS ), analytics, application, Cloud Migration, AWS Cloud Support and Cloud deployment services. These services allow businesses to become more responsive and flexible. Furthermore, the business can make changes faster, reduce IT costs and grow and/or reduce applications as required.